Dennis’s price ranges take into account expertise, time, and materials:
- Hand Caning: $2.00 per hole, plus materials
- Pressed Cane: $5.00 widest inch, plus materials and spline removal
- Woven (Reed, Ash Splint, or Binding Cane): $7.50 - $8.50 widest inch, plus materials
- Natural or Fiber Rush (Pre-Twist): $7.50 - $8.50 widest inch, plus materials
Other patterns and materials are available. Turnaround time on most jobs is two weeks, depending on the size of the job. Prices and turnaround time will vary depending upon the piece(s) of furniture involved, so please contact Dennis to discuss your particular project in detail. He will provide you with an accurate estimate before beginning your job.
- Hand Caning: $2.00 per hole, plus materials
- Pressed Cane: $5.00 widest inch, plus materials and spline removal
- Woven (Reed, Ash Splint, or Binding Cane): $7.50 - $8.50 widest inch, plus materials
- Natural or Fiber Rush (Pre-Twist): $7.50 - $8.50 widest inch, plus materials
Other patterns and materials are available. Turnaround time on most jobs is two weeks, depending on the size of the job. Prices and turnaround time will vary depending upon the piece(s) of furniture involved, so please contact Dennis to discuss your particular project in detail. He will provide you with an accurate estimate before beginning your job.